Five fun training sessiones for Rugby League

22 - Five fun training sessiones for Rugby League


Recommended size: 20m x 20m


Protect the treasure Share students to 4/5 floors by group size and available numbers. You have four groups around the edge and one in the middle as guards, or you have three around the edge and a group as guards.

Place a group in each corner area and in the middle of the circle with so many footballs, rugby balls, notes, cones, etc. Each element may have a different point value depending on how impractical it is to grow at high speed (e.g. 1 point for cone, 3 for sphere, 5 for patch). This is a “treasure” that students outside the district try to “steal” from guards and return to their group. The guards in the circle must try to prevent their “treasure” from being caught.

Ask a student in each group to try to retrieve one or more items from the center. They must flee the guards after collecting their “treasures.” If a guard touches someone while trying to escape with his artifacts, he must return to his corner without treasure. You create a league table that records each team’s points and, of course, drives a watch!


Attackers must run at speed and not stop, as this loses speed, working with quick footwork as they approach defenders. Defenders need to remain a solid unit and work together to limit gaps in and around the area. Talking is a big part of this exercise so that all students can organize themselves and their teammates around them.
Progress: Get more than one player from each group at a time to earn the treasure. Another progress with the group with a high ability is to introduce passports in this exercise at different stages.

Recommended size: 25m x 15m


Invite students to pair with the same option, assign each group a number (the same number applies to both students), and place them at opposite ends of the channel with a student at both ends of the channel with a class number at both ends. The channel is. When the teacher calls the number, both students sprint with that number to the other side of their channel. A player who reaches the finish line before the opponent reaches the opposite finish line then receives a pass from the teacher.

The winning student must collect the ball as cleanly as possible and then try to take the opponent and score at the goal line. Depending on the age group, it may be contact or full contact training. Teachers’ pitches need to be changed to make real game decisions about a bouncing ball, a high ball that is not aimed at the chest, etc.


Quick footwork, attacking opponents at high speed.
Handle the ball in two hands or hands.
Take it low and slide down the player’s feet while holding your ankles to prevent the player from getting out. Body position and time in the appropriate body position.
Advancing: Add players to the channel to make decisions about passes and runs, defensive teams can work on their defensive line.

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