The most common rugby injuries and how to treat them.
As with any contact sport, some kind of injury is inevitable. In a fast-paced game like this, where tackles are the nature of the beast, it is not uncommon to have multiple injuries in a rugby game, although it is not always serious, but it is best to prepare. To do this, we will look at the most common rugby injuries and, before the most important thing, how we are going to deal with them.
According to the annual Professional Rugby Injury Surveillance Project (PRISP)
Premier League injuries were lower in the 2017/18 season than last season, which is fantastic.
However, the time it took to get back into the game averaged 37 days, an increase from the previous one
period, but this was largely due to the highest severity of the group (84 days + recovery)
and a decrease in the lowest severity (2-7 days return).
How is that compared to club teams? Reducing the risk of injury in each division requires
a detailed understanding of the reasons and, of course, a clear view of the level of risk acceptable;
because the safety of every player is paramount. The most common rugby injuries are listed below,
start with the most reported, so once we understand the damage, we can see how it
As a team.
Concussion – what is it?
Concussion is caused by the head and is the most common injury,
20 per cent of all competitive damages in 2017/18. There was also a concussion.
18% of all ball carrier injuries and 37% of all tackle injuries, with an emphasis on handling
an important element to be taken into account in reducing the agglomeration and in reducing damage when implementing strategies.
How do you treat it?
The RFU has created a concussion awareness program where you can easily find it
“HEADCASE” abbreviation for checking concussion:
Ears and eyes
Concussions usually occur within a few minutes or hours of impact,
if you suspect a concussion, it is important that the player stops playing immediately,
rest predictable and apply the ice pack for 20-30 minutes every few hours to reduce swelling.
Symptoms can last only from a few days to a few weeks, but if they persist, it is
advised to seek further medical treatment. At the same time, paracetamol is recommended to help
headaches, but it is not recommended to take NSAIDs such as ibuprofen
Bleeding from your injury.
Hamstring injury – What is it?
Hamstring injury is overuse of tendon or large muscles or tear behind the thigh.
It is very common in the rugby world with various factors, such as overworked muscles,
sudden movements, rapid change of direction, etc. Typical features of hoarding
the injuries are:
Category 1 – mild muscle color
Category 2 – partial muscle flex
Category 3 – complete muscle flex
How do you treat it?
The first few days are usually the most painful, so we recommend that rice technology is followed:
Rest – Rest time is important for quick recovery, so it is best to avoid any kind of exercise.
Ice – Apply the ice pack for about 20-30 minutes, a few hours to reduce swelling.
Compression – the elastic bandage around the thigh area adds a little pressure and
restrict movement or increase swelling.
Height – Keep your feet raised as much as possible, again to reduce swelling.
Neck injuries – what are they?
In so many contact situations, it may seem impossible to avoid any kind of neck or head injury,
Especially if you’re part of a scrum, backpack or maul! These are very dense environments that
you need strength and strength, so a little wrong foot, slipping or aggressive opponent and you’ll find
You have a nasty injury. Whether it’s a sprain, pot or twist, it’s a painful result and wins
may cause muscle tension.